Psychic Tarot

Whether you're feeling at a crossroads or seeking guidance in a specific area of life—or even a general reading—my Tarot sessions are here to help. I dive into the Tarot, integrating elements from numerology and my psychic abilities to accompany your session.

My reading style involves an empowerment coaching approach. We'll explore self-care, cleansing practices, and journaling activities to support you after the session.

Following our time together, expect additional resources—links, helpful tips, guided meditations, and personalised tasks to enhance your journey.

Ready to book your empowering session?

Client Testimonials

  • My reading with Morgan was incredible. She truly has a very special talent. Morgan was able to provide meaningful insights for my future endeavours. But it goes beyond the cards, Morgan also has an innate ability to coach and advise. Her words will have a lasting effect on me as I'm sure they do others. For anvone who is on the fence about the tarot experience then I would say this. The most incredible thing happened to me 24 hours after my reading... was contacted by a person we discussed in the reading who I haven't spoken with for over 7 months. I honestly believe some kind of energy was unlocked to get those wheels in motion. I honestly cannot explain how shocked I was.


  • Your reading is helping to get me excited and move through all the grief, sadness, doubt. Giving me hope for what's on the horizon THANK YOU


  • Since our sesh I've been feeling super purpose driven and at the same time motivation for my business after feeling quite lazy lately. Thank you Morgan


Frequently Asked Questions

  • At the stage of booking through my system there will be a spot to write some questions - if you do not have an idea, we will do a general reading

  • Recording is provided for virtual readings only. If a phone reading, please come prepared to take notes if called to.